Snap Cube Summer


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Our Snap Cube Summer activity focuses on completing patterns, handwriting, and fine motor skills! We love using hands-on materials when we’re learning. Our children stay engaged and having fun! In this activity, they will put the snap cubes together in the same shape as the summer mat. They will then trace the word on the page with a whiteboard marker.


About our Snap Cube Summer

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Snap Cube Summer Shapes Math Activity. Fun preschool and kindergarten shapes activity and printables. Fun math center or literacy activity activity. #mathcenter #freeprintable #funearlylearning

This product includes:

  • 16 pages total
  • 6 snap cube mats in color and 6 snap cube mats in black and white – 2 summer pictures per page that can be cut in half (12 different pictures total)


The prep is easy! Simply print this activity in color or black and white and laminate. Then grab some snap cubes and a whiteboard marker.

Snap Cube Summer Shapes Math Activity. Fun hands-on activity for shapes and shape writing. Perfect for preschool, kindergarten, early childhood, and rti! #math #mathcenter #shapes #shapewriting #summeractivity #snapcubes #matching #finemotorskills #preschoolmath #kindergartenmath #earlychildhood #freeprintable #freeactivity #freemathactivity


Additional products we recommend for this activity:

This product contains affiliate links.

Snap Cubes
Whiteboard Markers and Eraser
Laminating Pouches

This product entitles you to one license which constitutes the right for one person to use the product. If you wish to share our products with other teachers, friends or family, you must purchase additional licenses. Please refer to our complete Terms of Use here.

Snap Cube Summer Preschool Math Activities! Fun free printable for learning shapes and patterns! #freeprintable #mathcenter #funearlylearning

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