Shapes All Around Us Book



Reading books is one of our favorite things to do. We’ll read books about any and all topics! Lately we have been talking a lot about shapes found in everyday objects. Our Shapes All Around Us book shows shapes found in the world around us.


About our Shapes All Around Us Book

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Shapes All Around Us Book. Fun book for learning about shapes in the environment. Perfect for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, and early childhood! #shapes #shapebook #mathcenter #freeprintable

This product includes:

→ 25 pages total
→ focuses on 6 shapes: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, and heart


The prep is easy! Simply print this activity, staple the corner or insert on a binder ring and you’re ready to read!


Additional products we recommend for this activity:

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Binder Rings


This product entitles you to one license which constitutes the right for one person to use the product. If you wish to share our products with other teachers, friends or family, you must purchase additional licenses. Please refer to our complete Terms of Use here.


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