We absolutely love activities where we string things together! Whether it’s stringing popcorn, cranberries, cereal or beads. We always have a fun time! For this Popcorn and Cranberry Measurement activity, we strung popcorn and cranberries and then measured how long our strands were. This activity helped to build our fine motor skills and early math skills. It was so easy and fun to do! You have to try this with your littles!
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Here’s what you need for the Popcorn and Cranberry Stringing Measurement Activity:
- Popcorn and Cranberries
- Thread and Child Friendly Needles
- Snap Cubes and Ruler
What to Do:
1: String as much popcorn and cranberries onto thread as you would like. I found that I needed to help some of the younger children with this step. It was difficult for them to hold the needle at first while stringing on the popcorn and cranberries. After a bit, they started to get the hang of it. It definitely reinforced how great this activity is for building fine motor skills!
2: Measure how long your string is on a ruler.
3: Measure how many snap cubes tall your string is.
4: Clean up your mess and enjoy any leftover popcorn. 🙂