The five senses is one of my favorite studies to teach. There are so many fun hands-on activities and science experiments that we can do. We start each day with circle time where we read a story, sing a song, and talk about the study. You can check out the Five Senses Study here. I’ve put together a list of our absolute favorite Five Senses books for you that are 100% kid-approved.
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My Five Senses
This is a great book for younger children. It introduces each sense very well without too much detail on each page. It’s a quick read that keeps the children engaged. It’s great for just introducing the five senses. We use this one at the start of our Five Senses Study.
Look, Listen, Taste, Touch, and Smell
All 5 senses are represented in this book. It is very educational for learning about the senses. There were parts that were a bit advanced for preschoolers. I didn’t mind that. We had great discussions on the five senses. My students enjoyed this book.
Five Senses
The real life pictures in this book are amazing! This is a wordless book. I use the pictures to guide discussion about what we’re seeing on each page. Children get very excited to talk about what they see and what senses are used in the picture.
Our Eyes Can See
In addition to having books that talk about all of the senses, I like to use books that focus on each individual sense. Our Eyes Can See focuses on our sense of sight. I love this book. Not only does it talk about what we see, but HOW we see. It’s very educational and a must have for learning about the five senses.
Our Noses Can Smell
This is a great book for learning about the sense of smell. It has beautiful real life pictures. A glossary that we an use to teach vocabulary words. And great information about how and what we smell.
Our Ears Can Hear
The cover of this book alone made me want to buy it. I can’t get over the amazing pictures in these books. The real life pictures are a perfect match to the text. This is a great book for learning about our sense of sound.
Our Mouths Can Taste
This book is all about our sense of taste. I teaches how we taste different things. This is perfect for our five senses theme. We talk about how we taste, our taste buds, things that taste good and bad, and more.
Our Skin Can Touch
I highly recommend getting this entire series. Each book is perfect for the sense we’re learning about that day. This book focuses on our sense of touch. The pictures are amazing. The description of how we touch is perfect for young children to understand. It’s very engaging and sparks great discussions.